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Since adding a laser Z-axis to my MPCNC toolkit, I was looking for a quick way to swap between my CNC and laser Z-axis. I originally had all of the wires with separate connectors to make it hot-swappable and I ended up breaking a few wires at the connector due to the movement of the Z-axis.

After a few trial and error attempts, I ended up designing a new motor mount for the Z-axis to hold a DB9 connector with all the supporting wires for swapping Z-axis assemblies with ease.

Most of the weight of the cable is being held up via retractable badge ID holders which doesn’t add unnecessary strain to the Z-axis core.

This modification pairs very well with my MPCNC Tornado dust collection and air assist setup!


Cable Pinout

Note: These are the correct wire colors for my Z motor and laser assembly. Your mileage may vary. Double-check all wiring before applying power!

#Umbilical Cable:Laser Head:CNC Head:
1Z-Motor: BlackZ-Motor: BlackZ-Motor: Blue
2Z-Motor: GreenZ-Motor: GreenZ-Motor: Yellow
3Z-Motor: BlueZ-Motor: BlueZ-Motor: Green
4Z-Motor: RedZ-Motor: RedZ-Motor: Red
5Laser: 5V Signal Pin (Purple)Laser: 5V Signal PinEmpty
6Laser: Ground (Yellow)Laser: GroundEmpty
7Laser: 12v+ (White)Laser: 12v+Empty
8Buck Converter –EmptyEmpty
9Buck Converter +EmptyEmpty